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    Heraldic engraving - Wall decorations

    Heraldic engraving refers to the practice of depicting coats of arms and heraldic elements on media such as seals, medals, commemorative plaques or other engraved objects. Heraldry is the study and art of designing, blazoning and using coats of arms.

    Heraldic engraving can be done in a variety of ways, depending on the medium and the techniques used. Here are some commonly used methods for heraldic engraving:

    1. Metal engraving: Engraving on metal, such as silver, bronze or gold, is often used to create quality heraldic pieces. Craftsmen use special tools, such as chisels and scissors, to carve the designs

    ... details of the coat of arms into the metal.

  • Stone engraving: Heraldic engraving can also be done on stone slabs, such as marble or granite. Craftsmen use special engraving tools to carve the coat of arms into the stone, creating reliefs and textures.

  • Wood engraving: Wood can be used as a medium for heraldic engraving. Craftsmen use woodcarving tools to carve the designs of the coat of arms into the wood, creating relief and contrast.

  • Glass engraving: Heraldic engraving can be done on glass, creating plaques or decorative objects. Artisans use special engraving tools to gently remove thin layers of glass, creating precise patterns and details.

  • It is important to note that heraldic engraving requires special skills and expertise, as coats of arms are often complex and detailed.

    There are several craftsmen and companies that specialise in heraldic engraving. Here are some examples of renowned manufacturers in this field:

    1. Heraldry & Genealogy: Heraldry & Genealogy is a French company specialising in the creation and engraving of heraldic coats of arms. They offer a wide range of engraved media, such as plaques, medals, seals and trophies, featuring coats of arms and heraldic symbols.

    2. The Heraldry Society: The Heraldry Society, based in the UK, is an organisation that promotes and supports the study of heraldry. They can provide information on heraldic engravers and manufacturers, as well as references and resources for those seeking heraldic engraving services.

    3. James MacIntyre & Sons : James MacIntyre & Sons is a Scottish company specialising in heraldic engraving on a variety of media, such as headstones, memorial plaques and decorative items. They are renowned for their expertise in engraving coats of arms and heraldic symbols on stone.

    4. Local artisans and craft workshops: It is also possible to find local artisans and craft workshops specialising in heraldic engraving. These craftsmen often work on a bespoke basis, creating customised engraved pieces according to customers' specifications.

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