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  • Inspirations
    C/Ciutat de Granada 45 1°1A
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    Show Room
    C/Ciutat de Granada 45 1°1A, 008005, Barcelona


    Activité : Manufacturer
    FELIFAMILY PROYECT Harry & Camila, designers based in Barcelona, owners of Felifamily Brand and in/direct creators of the Felifamily Soft dolls, the original designs having been made by their children. Some years ago when asked by a client to come up with a series of soft figures to celebrate the advent of the new millennium, they asked Indi, their son who was then four years old, to draw what he thought a rug doll should be like. Camila began to work in the direction the kid had indicated. Unfortunately the project then remained in a drawer until 2006, when eventually Camila took up the designs again and decided to give life to the Felifamily, as series of four characters called Tita, Feli, Pocho and Nil, in honor of a Camila's Chilean grandmother, who during her product life dedicated many years creating handmade dolls. Sure, it's a series conceived for children, but also appealing to many adults. A Language that is sensual and formal at the same time, being understood both by kids with their unbridled imagination, and grown-ups with more nostalgic perspective. T.H.E DESIGN COLLECTION. ( T.H.E=Technology, Handicraft, ecology ). Through Felifamily soft dolls we open a view over a world of creative products that carry the richness of original ideas in a combination of artistic creations, crafts and industrial design representing the state of the art. The project arises from continuous research in design, creative image and textiles. These three elements were put together to create the series of soft dolls that now go under the name of Felifamily as a trademark. Felifamily's purpose is to offer, with the fusion of crafts and design, a product of high technological level in which quality and care combine with environmental sustainability and fair trade. Production is entrusted to companies committed with development incentivization or environmental care. Felifamily started by collaborating with groups of Guatemala countrywomen needing to integrate with dignity and respect in the professional working rhythm. Felifamily communicates the richness handmade creations through an amusing and tender language. Our intend is to come closer to the common world where the expression of beauty and products with history, soul and warmth can be afforded by anyone. Offering development opportunities in a fast-changing society where sharing and receiving will be part of the future. An incitement to the importance of design as a means to social compromise. MANUFACTURING. Our company is based in Barcelona where we carry out research, design and sales. Production is partly carried out in Barcelona and partly in Guatemala. Felifamily wants to collaborate with various countries for the creation of its products, to keep a constant cultural exchange, and to commit with extremely poor communities in order to generate income that will promote integration in the global development for rural communities. This initiative gives strength to our motivation, and gives a stronger meaning to our activity, also aiming at promoting alliances with these communities.
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