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  • Inspirations

    Univers :  DIY

    Decofinder offers you a DIY world in terms of cleaning, maintenance and strippers. For example renovating, reworking or embellishing leather. We make you discover specific brands and articles to strip and embellish all leather surfaces. Leather softeners, polishes with different functions. In our do-it-yourself / maintenance section, we highlight all the products that revolve around wood: water-repellent products that waterproof, protect against humidity; others such as impregnators that protect, mask and decorate in a single layer. The category of wood saturators, for example, protects your terrace against climatic aggressions (weather, UV) and impregnates the wood by saturating the fibres. Ideal choice for gratings and terraces, as these saturators provide nourishing protection and accompany the wood as it grows.
    Karcher Produits Dugay Mastrad Perigot Rowenta MARIUS FABRE EVA SOLO

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