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    Drawer box - Cupboards and storage

    A drawer block is a compact and practical storage unit that consists of several drawers stacked on top of each other. It is often used in offices, workspaces and domestic spaces to organize and store various items such as documents, office supplies, clothing, accessories and other personal items. Here are some additional information about drawer blocks:

    Size and configuration: Drawer blocks are available in different sizes and configurations. Some may have only a few drawers, while others may have several, providing greater storage capacity. Drawers can be of different sizes to allow filing of different types of items.

    Materials: Drawer

    Bisley -  - Drawer Box

    Efficient and casual. The small footprint of the Home Filer makes it an essential product for those ...

    Bisley - multidrawer soho - Drawer Box

    HPolyvalence and proximity. Invented by the founder of the company BISLEY, more than forty years ago ...

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    ... blocks are generally made from durable materials such as wood, metal, plastic or a combination thereof. The choice of material will depend on the desired aesthetics, strength and durability, as well as the budget.

    Mobility: Some drawer blocks are equipped with castors or wheels to facilitate their movement. This allows them to move easily from one place to another, depending on the needs and layout of the space.

    Locking: Some drawer blocks can be equipped with a locking system to ensure the safety of stored items. This can be particularly useful in office environments where confidential documents need to be protected.

    Customization options: Some manufacturers offer customization options for drawer blocks, such as colors, finishes and handles. This allows them to be adapted to the style and decoration of the space in which they will be used.

    Some well-known French manufacturers include Bisley, Buronomic, Manutan, Sokoa and Majencia.

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