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    Fry scoop - Cake servers

    Rice Shovel:

    A rice shovel is a kitchen utensil specially designed to serve cooked rice. It is generally flat, wide and has a flat surface to allow the rice to be collected and served without compressing it. Rice shovels are often made of plastic or metal, with soft edges to avoid scratching the non-stick surfaces of pots and pans.

    French fries shovel:

    A French fries shovel, also called a French fries spatula, is a generally flat and wide utensil, designed to sear, flip and serve fries. It may have slightly curved edges to make it easier to pick up chips

    Gp & Me -  - Fry Scoop
    Gp & Me
    3.59 € approx.
    ... and hold them in place. French fries are usually made of metal, stainless steel or heat-resistant plastic.

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