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    Marquetry border - Inlaid work and Mosaics

    A marquetry net is a thin strip of wood, metal or other materials used to create decorative patterns on flat or curved surfaces. It is often used in the art of marquetry, which consists of applying pieces of wood cut into different patterns to form complex drawings.

    Marquetry netting is usually made by assembling several thin strips of wood or other materials, which are glued together to form a specific pattern. These bands can vary in color, grain and texture, which makes it possible to create interesting visual effects.

    The patterns created with the marquetry net can be simple or

    ... complex, and can be used to decorate a variety of objects such as furniture, boxes, musical instruments and decorative objects.

    Here are some European manufacturers specialized in the production of marquetry nets:

    • Scrollavezza & Zanrè (Italy): Scrollavezza & Zanrè is an Italian company known for its high-end inlay nets. Their products are manufactured with great precision and used by artisans and makers around the world.

    • Chevalet Pfeil (Switzerland): Chevalet Pfeil is a Swiss manufacturer specialized in tools and materials for marquetry. They offer a range of quality marquetry nets, as well as other supplies for artisans.

    • Cité de l'Ornement (France): Cité de l'Ornement is a French company dedicated to the production of traditional marquetry nets. Their products are used by artisans and cabinetmakers to create high-quality decorative pieces.

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