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  • Inspirations
    72 rue Raymond Lefèbvre
    T. 06 64 96 54 14
    Voir le plan

    Régine Pierrot

    Activités : Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Creative consultancies 
    Our brand Flight number Twoo is proud to present her last concept : XX' century's memorial !!! As lovely real collectors, this uniques Bronze exceptional créations, kind of excentrics house-jewels, our sculptures are an hommage to a recent daily past. As a gift, or as a self pleasure, our sculptures are very emotional (be sure that anyone witch receive this gift will be as gratefuul, as if it was yourself ...). This collection is a very good news for any fine people, women or man .... and almost the best unusual and precious style that money can buy !!! Your attention, please : you'll need to send your orders twoo weeks for advance (minimum), time for us to make it special for you ... exclusively mail orders, Thank you !
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