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  • Inspirations
    Sakyo-Ku Jodoji
    T. +81(0)9020474200
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    Activité : Manufacturer
    Bento & co offers a choice of Bento box of quality, typically Japanese. These are not simple plastic boxes, designed and created to make lunch a moment of pleasure for the eyes and the taste buds. With Bento & co, you buy online easily and safely from the Bento box carefully chosen for their design, ?nition, as well as their practical side. Average price: 17'Bento & co was launched by a French resident in Japan for 5 years and wants to share his discoveries. Known the Japan lovers for a long time, adopted by intensive bloggers, the Bento box becomes a social phenomenon that responds to different themes very contemporary:-completed expenditure for a daily breakfast in a restaurant ' corner. By preparing yourself a nice Bento, with a few ingredients, more the little good previous dinner, the Bento surplus will make you save money! -With the space determined by the b lunch
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