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  • Inspirations
    Via Basilicata 1/3
    Locate di Triulzi
    T. +39 02 90 77 682
    F. +39 0290780458
    Voir le plan


    Activité : Manufacturer
    Born in 1949, Cavinato sas is an Italian leader in working of plastic materials, especially Plexiglass, Perspex, polystyrene. Competency, experience, great professionalism and creativity are the trademarks with which our company affirms itself more and more incisively on the Italian and foreign markets. Besides precision work for small and large series performed with a digitally-controlled electronic traditional and laser pantograph, the Cavinato brothers work on the design and creation of new shapes in acrylic crystal with textile inclusions. Acrylic material boasts non-deformability and extreme heat and cold resistance characteristics, has crystal transparency (for which is called acrylic "crystal") and it is absolutely hygienic which makes it appropriate for food-containing. It can be put in the dishwasher and in microwaves ovens! The Cavinato Acrylic Crystal collection includes trays, fruit baskets, tableware accessories (grissini-holders, napkin holders, bread-holders, table mats etc.) and furnishing accessories for the house (boxes, flower-cases, umbrella-stands etc.). These objects are thought, designed and realized keeping in mind the variables which constantly modify tastes and fashions, in order to offer ever classy and topical articles.
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