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  • Inspirations
    48 rue Beaumont
    T. 0629468096
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    Activité : Manufacturer
    In the air of time Manufakture designs and wall decorations which we can express his own creativity. Mobile elements can add, move, or fade. More than decor, a true solution space for professionals and individuals. Manufakture has developed the Kits Deko - sets predefined, fully modular and customizable according to the expectations of customers, their tastes and their budget. In the range, several choices are available and all are designed to integrate remarkably to the specified location, make it huge or tiny, immaculate or already very busy. Our artist performs the wall decor customized graphical models chosen from Deko Kits from and customizes them with the customer. The range of colours and different materials allows to install various environments, universes stained with yet a single graphic.
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