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    BP 10 La Maladrerie
    La Chartre sur le Loir
    T. +33(0)2 43 44 41 75
    F. +33(0)2 43 79 07 27
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    Activité : Manufacturer
    It is in 1848 born settlements Borrel, manufacturer of TRIMs and military mechanical trimmings and furnishings. Wishing to complete its know-how, Borrel buys the company Arthaud, specialising in embroidery to hand to the son of gold, silver and silk adorn the outfits of prestige and administrations and the French armed forces flags. It is in 1993 that Borrel decides to expand export and buys the company Bouvard strongly internationally, giving the company a global stature and new production capacity. In 1997, the company merged its activities under the name of BBA, Borrel Bouvard Arthaud, whose headquarters is located in La Chartre sur le Loir and creates its own factory of leather goods in Tunisia in order to meet the demands of its customers of fashion and the military sector.

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