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    T. +39 039 0466 99 55
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    Bbb Emmebonacina

    Activité : Manufacturer
    BBB emmebonacina , with its 50 years experience in the manufacturing of modern furniture, can boast a wide collection that includes many of the successes of the italian design in the world, thus granting the company an eminent position among the international furniture manufacturers The company philosophy, marked by the willing to become the interpreter of the contemporary culture through a precisely definite productive and stylish consistency, often anticipating the tastes of the public, is witnessed by the cooperation with some of the most significant designers such as, among other, Achille Castiglioni,Paolo Ferrari,De Pas D'Urbino Lomazzi, Italo Lupi, Carlo Santi, Giogio Decursu, Laura Griziotti, Gianmarco Blini, Thomas Mittermair, Massimo Colombo. It is with the same sprint that aimed the company since its origin, made of intuition, creativity and innovation that BBB intends to face the coming millennium, with a feeling for an ongoing research on functionality and expression as a guarantee for high quality products.
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