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    3 route du Fau - BP 33
    Saint Just Malmont
    T. 04 77 35 02 46
    F. 04 77 35 02 47
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    Show Room
    12, rue Saint-Sauveur - 75002 PARIS Tel : +33 (0) 1 42 36 66 00

    Style Jacquard

    Activité : Manufacturer
    THE PASSION of TRIMs French company specialized in the manufacture of braids with a long textile tradition, STYLE JACQUARD succeeded in maintain and develop a highly valued skill of weaving on looms shuttles. Mastery of a specific technique of weaving, the adaptation of the tool of production in modern materials, the close collaboration of the teams creation and technicians give manufactured trims a differentiating character style and nobility. Ready to wear, Lingerie, furniture, linens, particularly appreciate the specific traits of these trims and make their privileged accessory. In harmony with the trends, fashion and in response to the custom needs of its clients STYLE JACQUARD develops original ranges and has for this innovative tool for sampling combining modern electronic and mechanical textile tradition. The conduct of a trade policy including creativity and reactivity are the watchwords, the will to continue a tradition of textile products arouse enthusiasm and admiration, that is the challenge in which STYLE JACQUARD is involved every day for you to fully share his passion.
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