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  • Inspirations
    37 bis avenue du bac
    La Varenne Sainte Hilaire
    T. 01 42 83 91 44
    F. 01 43 78 49 00
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    Trésor Des Navigateurs

    Activités : Manufacturer, Wholesaler
    Above all, « Trésor des Navigateurs » is a long and beautiful sailor story that has been written along with time and which takes place in each piece of furniture of the collection. Precious materials (old Burma Teak, Mahogany, Satinwood, Camphorwood...), subtle patinas, brass finishing give these models incomparable class and style. The team of « Trésor des Navigateurs » uses wood from old structures being demolished in India to make these rare objects. The wood is then restored by hand using traditional techniques and varnished 8 times. From the beginning and until today, « Trésor des Navigateurs » collection grows, modernizes and adapts to each and everyone's needs (computer desks, CD storage, flexible coffee tables) while guaranteeing an authentic and extraordinary quality for each model. Furniture can also be created to meet our customers' specific desires and needs. This furniture has a story to tell, as if we opened a trunk of treasures to plunge ourselves in our memories. Memories of the sea. The treasure of the Navigators !
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