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  • Inspirations
    Sophie De Boissieu
    14 rue de l'abbé Rousselot
    T. 33 1 43 80 63 43
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    Sophie De Boissieu

    Activité : Manufacturer
    Created by designer Sophie de Boissieu and a doctor in psychosociology (what does taste consist in, how to deal with your image etc.), the company has an international vocation of creation. Sophie, very famous in the « art de la table » world and creator of some best sellers (tableclothes, covers), has decided to set off in a new adventure. Her academic education (Ecole Supérieure des Arts Graphiques), her former works and her reputation are precious assets to create a new label. These are objects you'll be proud to have, touch, look at and' show of course. Elegance and quality proposed at accessible prices, for the greatest pleasure of people of taste who can distinguish beauty from glitter, and who like to associate modernity and cheerfulness to beautiful artistic traditions and to the french touch.

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