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    Maison De La Literie

    Activités : Manufacturer, Dealer
    We spend 1/3 of our life in bed the quality of our bedding deserves all our attention! It is on this conviction that Maison de la Literie, which celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2021, has just been elected Favorite Brand of the French in the "Bedding Signs" category. A strong reward for this leader in distribution, which has also been a Made in France manufacturer since 2012, with its own production plant in Autun, Saône-et-Loire (71). Pierre Elmalek, Founding President of Maison de la Literie, is delighted with this distinction: "The Favorite Brand of the French award salutes our commitment for more than 40 years to bring all French people the best sleep. As such, we are particularly grateful to them for placing their trust and loyalty in us for so many years." Maison de la Literie won 1st place on the podium in terms of empathy, after a study conducted from 7 to 8 September 2022 on the OpinionWay panel, with a representative sample of 1042 people from the French population aged 18 and over. A LEADER IN BEDDING MADE IN FRANCE Founded in 1980, Maison de la Literie now has more than 400 stores and employs 2200 people. In 2012, the distribution specialist decided to internalize its production of box springs and mattresses. By being the 1st specialist in the sector to become a "distributor-manufacturer", Maison de la Literie has strengthened its positioning. It also embodies its commitment to Made in France to reduce its carbon footprint and develop the regional economy. The Maison de la Literie Industries manufacturing plant is located in Autun, Saône-et-Loire (71, Burgundy). Anne-Sophie Batani, Marketing Director at Maison de la Literie, explains how this know-how is at the frontier of industry and craftsmanship: "To make a high-end mattress, you need hands! This makes it possible to bring great attention to the confection. The process is therefore not 100% automated to be able to offer high quality products." UPSCALING AND INTERNATIONALIZATION Maison de la Literie is present through 7 brands, on a high-end positioning: Maison de la Literie, Maison de la Literie Prestige, the Universe of Sleep, the Universe of Premium Sleep, Place de la Literie, Tousalon and Mobeco. The brand is banking on the continuation of this move upmarket, particularly through its Maison de la Literie Prestige brand, which is strongly present in Paris intramural, and on the Côte d'Azur, as in Monaco. However, Maison de la Literie wishes to address all budgets. In 2017, it therefore set up a Rental with Option to Purchase (LOA) offer - called "Service Quality Contract" - to allow as many people as possible to access quality bedding. "Good bedding is not a luxury, but a necessity," explains Pierre Elmalek. Since 2005, Maison de la Literie has been exporting its vision of high-end French know-how internationally, with a presence in Switzerland, Morocco, Tunisia, Israel and China (in Shanghai) since 2019. The French manufacturer-distributor plans to open 300 franchise stores in China in the next 3 years. About Maison de la Literie: Founded in 1980 by Pierre Elmalek, Maison de la Literie is the 1st manufacturer distributor of French mattresses and box springs and n°1 in Europe for high-end bedding. The group has more than 400 franchises and integrated stores, 7 brands (Maison de la Literie, Maison de la Literie Prestige, l'Univers du Sommeil, l'Univers du Sommeil Premium, Place de la Literie, Tousalon and Mobeco) and employs more than 2,200 people.

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