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    Living & More

    Activités : Manufacturer, Home designer  
    Our AnspruchDesign QualitätswareAls trendy home textiles producer, we offer you a range that is in demand both in the indoor and the outdoor area. HerausragendeQualität asserts itself in the long term, and so we provide since nunmehr10 years our textiles, even in dark shades, a cutting-edge, true-color professional product for the Heimmarkt.All are at 95 ° c washable! LIVING & more, you run a high quality brand, which inspires your customers.Our TeamTextilspezialisten with a sense of TrendsWir at LIVING & MORE have much in common: the enthusiasm for einemoderne room and garden facilities and the commitment to einenhohen standards of quality and service. We're proud and arbeitenmit personal commitment because that. Our routine Vertriebsteamsorgt sure that you can at any time on an exclusive range of trend products, advice and a customised delivery leaving.Our StandortEuropaweit network, verwur
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