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  • Inspirations
    via San Pio X 51
    San Vendemiano
    T. 0039335 365821
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    Graziano Della Libera

    Activité : Manufacturer
    ... Always follow the thread that leads to beauty! Expect beauty in all that surrounds us, in the things that share with us a daily and tactful relationship. Just prushing against it, is at times a privilege, luxury, fulfilment. Della Libera s.n.c., handpicks with passion and cleverness the most precious yarns and skilfully transforms them into knitwear. A tradition that continues to come to life for over thirty years now, a manufacturing quality testified by the cooperation with some among the most successful Companies in the home furnishing area. Today, Graziano Della Libera offers an innovative plaid and cushions collection that embraces prestige and elegance, a combination of softness and colour, a pleasure to touch and see: a special way to live the enveloping warmth...
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