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    ZA 231 Rue Dufour
    T. 03 20 10 14 19
    F. 03 20 48 77 07
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    Seine Lin

    Activités : Manufacturer, Wholesaler
    Seine Lin is specialized in household linen, 100 % linen. Our objectives are to bring you creativity, quality and service at the best possible price. First, thanks to our designer, we make, for you, original collections taking different forms and shapes for all the rooms in your home. These products can be distributed under the Seine-Lin brand name or that of a distributor. Then, our follow-up all along the chain of productivity, from the fields to the finished products, is our warranty of the highest quality. Finally, backed by our worldwide network we can answer each and every request with as little delay as possible and at the best price. Our objective is to exceed your expectations and fulfill your needs!
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