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  • Inspirations
    Via Ticino 15
    Castiglione Olona
    T. +39 0331858378
    F. +39 0331824390
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    Activité : Manufacturer
    The company PTH, born for the production and commercialization of profiles in plastic material, is the concrete result of a close collaboration between one of the most important company operating in the mold-making sector, dedicated to the extrusion, and a group of expert technicians specialized in the extrusion of plastic profiles. The company is therefore based on a solid experience gained by the partners, who are active, since more than twenty years, in national and international markets both in the technological and mechanical sector and in the production of extruded profiles in plastic materials. To the basis of the society the highest technology used in mold-making by our subsidiary company, the use of modern and technological advanced extrusion lines, the in-depth know-how in the extrusion sector combined with the competence in the utilization of plastic materials allow to the PTH to satisfy the needs and requirements of its own customers in terms of design, realization and production of thermoplastic profile and tubes used for different applications in many industrial and commercial sectors. - Lighting - Furnishing - Automotive - Building industry - Shopping centre and shop design - Industrial - Transport - Medical - Alimentary PTH guarantees to its customers a total care in the development of the product to be extruded and in its production through a design office supported by the use of upgraded softwares in relation to the new market requirements and from the large experience gained by the subsidiary company in the mold production. This allow PTH to realize and develop particular projects on customer's request. PTH is specialized in design and extrusion of a wide range of plastic profiles and tubes in different plastic materials like POLYCARBONATE, ACRYLIC (PMMA), ABS, BLEND, PVC in order to satisfy the most particular needs and requirements of our customers.
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