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  • Inspirations

    Univers :  Wardrobe and Accessories

    Belongings sorted by color, suspended by size, divided by use ... all visible in the blink of an eye. Who has not dreamed of a dressing room where everything was in order, luxury and beauty? With multiple solutions on the market, that dream is achievable. Each according to his budget and how much space he has can optimize his storage so that it is both functional and aesthetic.

    To create a dressing room, 4 m² minimum order is required and to be qble to dress yourself, 6m ² is necessary. The "Walking closet" name given by the United States, must be located between the bedroom and bathroom. Alternatively, you can partition a portion of a corridor. Two possible configurations are possible: a U-shaped wardrobe for rather broad and square rooms or an L-shaped part longer and thinner rooms. Below 4m ², the cabinet option arranged along a wall in a build-up or under the roof is preferable.

    At Entry-level one finds standard closets with no customization options. At the other end lies custom designs with the help of a
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    ... after a detailed study of the customer's needs. In between, modular systems are a good compromise. Sold in supermarkets, they adapt to our wardrobes and our means. Up to us to choose the number and size of modules, their interior layout and finishes.

    Before purchasing, one must begin to accurately analyze its belongings. What proportion are folded clothes? Bent clothes? What could I set up in storage boxes? When the inventory is done, some exercises of mental calculations are required! To measure the size of the dressing, one must consider a hanger to be on average 3 cm wide and 60cm deep. Dresses and coats hang from 1.80m in height. For skirts, pants and shirts, only 1.20m is needed. Having rods on two levels on one side of the wardrobe and a high rod on the other side would be ideal. Folded clothes fit easily on shelves 50x50cm. Between each rack, 30cm spacing is common. This allows stacking of around 8 items. One does not have to multiply drawers, just provide 2-3 per person to cover up the socks and underwear which are always easily disordered.

    To facilitate the organization, we can add some accessories: belts holder, tie holders, door-pants ... which prove very useful in everyday life. A valet, a mirror, an ottoman and the feel of ultimate comfort are key. With regards to the material, the choice is varied. Wood remains the most popular since it is always a guarantee of timeless chic. Closet doors, in a more contemporary take, can be glass or aluminum. Swinging, folding, sliding doors, they each have their advantages in terms of accessibility and congestion. Another alternative: curtains on cable. Both economic and stylish, they conceal storage with ease.

    Let tomorrow arrive so we can dress!

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