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    Univers :  Cutlery


    Whether it's unusual, chic or plain, the cutlery you choose will set the tone for your table setting. There is something to suit everyone's taste !

    Handles are now decorated with an explosion of colours and patterns. These multicoloured, spotted, checked and floral cutlery sets will brighten any table. Most cutlery is made of stainless steel. Thanks to this affordable material, we can vary styles to suit our mood. Knives and forks have become fashion accessories that change with the season.

    Silverwave is only used on special occasions when that an emblematic wedding present since the 19th century, the cutlery set is brought out of storage. The cutlery chest contains an assortment of table knives, cheese knives, forks, dessert settings and service cutlery such as ladles, cakes servers and tongs. This refined table art comes from a long tradition of silverware. Generations of silversmiths and goldsmiths have been making silver, gold and gold plate since the 17th century. It was on Louis XIV's table that the notion of modern cutlery first appeared. Before it became inseparable, the fork,
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    ... .html" rel="nofollow">knife and spoon trio led separate lives. Although knives have existed since prehistoric times, the fork only made its appearance during the Italian Renaissance. It was introduced into France in the 16th century by Catherine de Médicis but only came into widespread use in the 18th century. It was during this golden age of silverware that most of the decorations that still exist today were designed.

    Silverware, which is highly prized by collectors, is easy to date. Hallmarking gives an exact idea of the era, the author and the origin. French silverware had four different hallmarks up until 1791 after which the number was reduced to 3. In 1838, the Minerva Hallmark was introduced as the only compulsory mark although makers often add their own. This is what defines modern silverware as opposed to antique.

    Style-wise, 1925 signified an entirely new trend in cutlery. The geometrical lines and absence of ornamentation in Art deco cutlery led the way to modernity. Today's designers have taken the uncluttered look to extremes.
    And would you believe that you can now get traditional designs in disposable cutlery with a posh twist. At first gance, they look like our great aunt's silverware. But when you touch them, you realise they are plastic- style, at lower cost ! 

    For environment-friendly picnics, you can choose disposable cutlery made of bamboo, birchwood and other recyclable materials, or Stefania di Petrillo's "Pic Nic" set. The fork, knife and spoon  assembled with an ingenious system of magnetic rivets, are easy to transport. Stefania di Petrillo designed the set during her stay at a collective artist's studio in Nontron, the mecca of french cutlery making.

    Swiss army knives and other folding knives are proof that the rural, mountain tradition of pocket knives is still very strong. Traditional cutlers perpetrate this ancestral know-how while producing new shapes and sizes in collaboration with well-known designers. In France, each region has ifs own Knife. The most famous are made in the South-West of France, such as Laguiole in Aveyron. The same craftsman makes the knife from start to finish. Unlike standardised manufacture, these pieces are unique, collector's items.

    But there is a superstition in France that a knife should never be given as a present. Tradition has it that you should ask for a piece of silver in exchange for your gift !

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