15 rue Saint Pierre
T. 0344456975
F. 0344848913
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Vangodts Home

Activités : Wholesaler, Dealer
Because we are all looking for that little bit extra that makes the difference... VanGodts Home Shop offers a selection of floral and plant compositions 'ready to go' vase or pot. The idea is no longer to offer or afford a bouquet of flowers or a plant but a real object gift with a real value added, since the container will live to infinity. Because plants, endowed with a natural communication, prompt us to express our intentions and our feelings through them, because plants are often the only natural elements of décor, give free rein to your imagination! Because all tastes are in nature and each is unique... Decoration design or charming, contemporary or more traditional, indoor or outdoor, refined or raw, VanGodts Home Shop offers a range of products that leave much for self-expression and the pleasure of associations. Because an object
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